About Me
About Me
I'm a software engineer specializing in full-stack MERN/React application development.
I provide end to end oversight of creating web applications, from initial concept through deployment and maintenance - including development of application language and content, user interface design and layout, back-end architecture, testing and cyber security implementation, and site optimization & web performance.
I've also been a professional musician and guitar builder for more than 20 years. As guitarist and composer I've released several albums of original music on Candyrat Records, toured and performed throughout the US, accumulated millions of plays on streaming platforms such as Spotify, and have been featured in numerous publications including Acoustic Guitar magazine. Learn more at www.peterciluzzi.com.
Having studied Contemporary Guitar Design & Construction at The American School of Lutherie, I founded Ciluzzi Guitars in 2006 and my work has been displayed at a number of exhibitions including the Montreal Guitar Show. To learn more please visit www.ciluzziguitars.com.
My Work

What I Do
Product Mission
What problem does a software application solve? Define initial concept & overall application objectives
Product Planning
Set goals & target dates and make a comprehensive App Development Plan
Application Content & Language
Development of language and ideas from initial concept through deployment and production
Wireframing, Layout & Design
A wireframe is a blueprint used to plan an app's layout and content, while design can include font & color selection and overall graphic themes
Audio/Video Editing
Create and embed original audio & video content
Responsive Web Design
Ensuring that an application will render properly on a full range of mobile and desktop devices
Software Documentation
Assembly and integration of accompanying user guides & tutorials
Front End Development
Build all UI components including navigation, forms and user notifications
Back End Development
Build application routing & middleware; define data schemas and connect application to database; and integrate API calls, data-persistence and error-handling
User Authentication
Creation of user accounts, secure login with hashed password
Database Management
Data persistence and automated data backups with a cloud-based SQL or NoSQL platform
Cyber Security
Basic implementation including input-sanitization, CSP directives and protection against malicious data-injection & XSS attacks
Payment Processing
Secure payment transaction processing with third-party payment platforms
Automated Emails
Delivery of auto-generated emails at specified intervals or after specified actions
Comprehensive Testing
Local and deployed testing in development, staging and production environments
Application Deployment
Application deployment to cloud-based hosting platform
Application Optimization
Oversight of deployment settings including DNS configuration, email deliverability and web performance
On-Page SEO
Design compliance to best practices for website visibility
Off-Page SEO
Creation and implementation of a comprehensive backlink building and press & media outreach plan
Tracking & Analytics
Google Analytics implementation, monitoring and analysis
JavaScript Pro: Mastering Advanced Concepts and Techniques
OOP Design patterns & principles, functional programming, scope & closures, timers, browser storage APIs
Mastering Material UI
Global theme customization with createTheme() & ThemeProvider; layout & styling with the sx and component props; reusable styles with styled(); modifying default styles using the component classes object
React, NodeJS, Express & Mongo - The MERN Stack
Full stack React with NodeJS, Express & Mongo including authentication and deployment
Node with React: Fullstack Web Development
Additional MERN stack study including OAuth, routing in development & production environments, and proxy server
Mastering Typescript
Extensive Typescript course including types, generics, aliases & interfaces, types with classes, and Typescript with React
Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures and Algorithms
Big-O notation; data structures including arrays, hash tables, linked lists, stacks & queues, trees and graphs; recursion; sorting, search and traversal algorithms; and dynamic programming
The Modern React Bootcamp
Comprehensive React course including class and function-based components, React hooks, state management, context and React Router
React - The Complete Guide
Additional React study including component styling; advanced hooks with context, reducers & memoization; React Router loaders & actions; and Redux with React-Redux & Redux-Toolkit
Complete SEO Training
Title, keyword, desription, heading, and meta-tag optimization; robots.txt and sitemap.xml files; Google Search Console, page ranking, link analysis and backlink building
The Web Developer Bootcamp
Full stack web development fundamentals including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, Node, Express, EJS, MongoDB, Mongoose and Passport
The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp Course
Additional JavaScript topics including promises & async/await, classes & OOP, web API's, and rest, spread & destructuring
Languages, Frameworks & Tools
HTML & CSS/SCSS - with Grid & Flexbox
Bootstrap 5, React-Bootstrap, Material UI, Semantic UI
Javascript ES6+
React - with class & functional components
Advanced React Hooks - with context, reducers & memoization
React Router - with loaders & actions
Redux - with middleware, React-Redux & Redux-Toolkit
NodeJS & NPM
ExpressJS - with middleware, async error handling, router & sessions
MongoDB, Mongoose
SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
JWT, Oauth & session-based authentication - with Passport, bcrypt & jsonwebtoken
Fullstack MERN development - with proxy server
Fullstack MERN authentication - with JWT & refresh tokens
Fullstack MERN deployment - with single & multiple servers
API integrations - including automated email generation using Agenda, CRON & Sendgrid
Sendgrid API, Stripe API
Web APIs
Application security - with Helmet, Joi and input-sanitization
Application deployment & maintenance - with Heroku
Automated testing - with Jest, Vitest & Testing-Library
Git & Github
Linux command line
Google Analytics - implementation, monitoring and analysis
Google Ads
Programming Foundations & Paradigms
Data structures and algorithms
OOP design patterns and principles
Modular programming
Code scalability
Agile Development
Scrum & Kanban
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